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As a school we are aiming for our whole school attendance to be higher than 95%. Please send your child into school every day. If they say they feel unwell, please check the NHS guidance for keeping them off school (this can be found on our website under Key Information, Attendance, Absence and how to report them)
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Love one another as I have loved you


Please find below our Pupil Information and Parental Consent Form this is completed by a Parent/Carer for every child that attends Holy Souls Primary School.  Please remember to inform the school, as soon as possible, of any changes to your personal details e.g. mobile numbers, address, email etc

Pupil Information and Parental Consent Form

Link for online assistance for Primary and Secondary Schools

For more information with regards to admissions, waiting lists, appeals etc please visit the Blackburn with Darwen website link here:  

Blackburn with Darwen School Admission

Important dates

Secondary school admissions timetable 2024 to 2025

  • 3 September 2024: Round opens for secondary school applications. Parents and carers can apply for a school place
  • 31 October 2024: Closing date for secondary school applications. Applications must be submitted to the local authority by this date to be considered as ‘on time’ along with all supporting evidence.
  • 27 January 2025: Deadline for notification of exceptional change in circumstances. Any information received by this date will be considered for the initial allocation of school places, for example, change of address, change in circumstances, and reasons for the local authority to consider a late application or change of preference as on time. Any information received after this date cannot be included in the initial allocation of school places, however it will be considered later in the process following the 1 March 2024.
  • 3 March 2025: National offer day for secondary school places. Parent and carers who applied online can view their offer on the online parent portal. Letters notifying parent and carers of the school at which a place has been offered will be emailed out to those who applied online or sent by post to parents and carers who applied using the paper application form.
  • 17 March 2025: Deadline for parents and carers to accept or decline their offer of a place. Parent and carers who applied online will need to log onto the online parent portal to accept their offer of a school place. Those who applied by post will need to call the School Admissions Team.
  • 1 April 2025: Closing date for appeals. Appeals received by this date will take place in May and June 2025.

Primary school admissions timetable 2024 to 2025

  • 3 September 2024: Round opens for primary school applications. Parents and carers can apply for a school place
  • 15 January 2025: Closing date for primary school applications. Applications must be submitted to the local authority by this date to be considered as ‘on time’ along with all supporting evidence.
  • 12 March 2025: Deadline for notification of exceptional change in circumstances. Any information received by this date will be considered for the initial allocation of school places, for example, change of address, change in circumstances, reasons for the local authority to consider a late application or change of preference as on time. Any information received after this date cannot be included in the initial allocation of school places, however it will be considered later in the process following the 16 April 2024.
  • 16 April 2025: National offer day for primary school places. Parents and carers who applied online can view their offer on the online parent portal. Letters notifying parent and carers of the school at which a place has been offered will be emailed out to those who applied online or sent by post to parents and carers who applied using the paper application form.
  • 1 May 2025: Deadline for parents and carers to accept or decline their offer of a place. Parents and carers who applied online will need to log onto the online parent portal to accept their offer of a school place. Those who applied by post will need to call the School Admissions Team.
  • 21 May 2025: Closing date for appeals. Appeals received by this date will take place in June and July 2025.