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As a school we are aiming for our whole school attendance to be higher than 95%. Please send your child into school every day. If they say they feel unwell, please check the NHS guidance for keeping them off school (this can be found on our website under Key Information, Attendance, Absence and how to report them)
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Love one another as I have loved you


Please find below our Pupil Information and Parental Consent Form this is completed by a Parent/Carer for every child that attends Holy Souls Primary School.  Please remember to inform the school, as soon as possible, of any changes to your personal details e.g. mobile numbers, address, email etc

Pupil Information and Parental Consent Form

Link for online assistance for Primary and Secondary Schools

For more information with regards to admissions, waiting lists, appeals etc please visit the Blackburn with Darwen website link here:

Dates and Deadlines for Primary Schools 2024

2024 School Admission Round – Key Dates





Admission round opens:

4 September 2023

4 September 2023

Admission round closing date:
Including all supporting evidence (medical, social, welfare need / Baptism)

31 October 2023

15 January 2024

Data sharing with other LAs:



LA to provide AAs with details of children who have indicated their school as a preference (on-time applications):

28 November 2023

26 January 2024

Local Authority medical, social, welfare need Panel:

13 December 2023

7 February 2024

School cut-off date for criteria to be inputted on SAM (on-time applications).

15 December 2023

23 February 2024

LA will check and consider all preferences and allocate school offers:

2 January 2024 till 2 February 2024

26 February 2024 till 22 March 2024

Change of preference/late online applications cut-off date (exceptional circumstances accepted as on-time applications – to be confirmed by AA):

26 January 2024

11 March 2024

National offer day:

1 March 2024

16  April 2024

Parental acceptance deadline:

14 March 2024

29 April 2024

Closing date for appeals (to be heard on-time):

29 March 2024

17 May 2024



LCC Timetable:




1 September 2023

Online application system goes live and requests for paper forms / booklets accepted and considered

31 October 2023

Closing date for applications (statutory)

7 November 2023

Secondary schools / academies to forward any paper applications to Area Pupil Access Teams

21 November 2023

Preferences information exchange with other Local Authorities

5 December 2023

Information to be exchanged with Own Admission Authority Schools

12 December 2023

Admission authority to confirm intention to exceed PAN with the LA

18 December 2023

Prioritised (ranked) lists back to the Local Authority

15 January 2024

No further address changes can be accepted.

23 January 2024

Further exchange of lists with other admission authorities

13 February 2024

No changes at all can be made to offer letters after this date

24 February 2024

Issue finalised offer lists to secondary schools / academies

1 March 2024

Issue offer letters/emails. (statutory date is 1st March or the next working day)





1 September 2023

Online application system goes live and requests for paper forms / booklets accepted and considered

Sunday 15 January 2024

Closing date for applications (statutory)

20 January 2024

Primary schools / academies to forward any paper applications to Area Pupil Access Teams

27 January 2024

Preferences information exchange with other Local Authorities

3 February 2024

Information to be exchanged with Own Admission Authority Schools

10 February 2024

Admission authority to confirm intention to exceed PAN with the LA

28 February 2024

No further address changes can be accepted.

17 March 2024

Prioritised (ranked) lists back to the Local Authority

24 March 2024

Further exchange of lists with other admission authorities

31 March 2024

No changes at all can be made to offer letters after this date

16 April 2024

Issue finalised offer lists to primary schools / academies

16 April 2024

Issue offer letters/emails. (statutory date or next working day)

