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As a school we are aiming for our whole school attendance to be higher than 95%. Please send your child into school every day. If they say they feel unwell, please check the NHS guidance for keeping them off school (this can be found on our website under Key Information, Attendance, Absence and how to report them)
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Love one another as I have loved you

Late Arrivals/Collection



ALL children should access school via their own entrances, which are open at 8.40am until 8.50am each morning.


After 8.50am children must be brought into school through the main entrance.


Parents/Carers of late children MUST use the electronic sign in at the office and give a reason for being late.






School finishes at 3.15pm.  Please make sure you set off in plenty of time to collect your child/ren at the end of the school day.  Especially be mindful if you know there are road works on your regular route, and this could make your journey a little longer than usual.  Unfortunately some children get a little fretful, and think that they have been left when parents/carers have not arrived at 3.15pm to collect them.


Please telephone the school office if you are going to be late for any reason on

01254 249892 


Please let the school office know if you are sending someone else to collect your child/ren, especially if it is someone that has not collected from school before and therefore their teacher would not know or recognise them.  Ideally, if you know someone else is collecting them that day, please telephone in the morning to inform school of the change and then teachers can be told in plenty of time.  If it is a last minute decision please telephone as soon as possible.



Collection Permission Letter
