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As a school we are aiming for our whole school attendance to be higher than 95%. Please send your child into school every day. If they say they feel unwell, please check the NHS guidance for keeping them off school (this can be found on our website under Key Information, Attendance, Absence and how to report them)
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Love one another as I have loved you

Mission Statement

Mission Statement


Holy Souls School is a Catholic School where we share our life in Christ in the growing knowledge that Jesus loves us.


Our school is a place where everyone is able to feel welcomed, valued, secure, loved and happy.


Everyone who comes into our school will be treated with respect. We remember that Jesus said, “Treat others as you would like them to treat you.”


We value and develop everyone’s talents and skills, celebrating each other’s achievements, and sharing each other’s worries and joys. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, striving for quality learning, whilst seeking to create an ethos, which stimulates interest, enthusiasm and offers pupils the opportunities to live and learn with our Catholic traditions.


All staff aim to work as a team to build the best relationships with pupils, colleagues, our parents, governors, parishes and the wider community. Staff and pupils care and support each other in our happy school family.

