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As a school we are aiming for our whole school attendance to be higher than 95%. Please send your child into school every day. If they say they feel unwell, please check the NHS guidance for keeping them off school (this can be found on our website under Key Information, Attendance, Absence and how to report them)
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Love one another as I have loved you


Welcome to our

Governors’ section

Holy Souls RC Primary School Governing Body


Our Governing Body consists of:


Two Parent Governors

One LA Governor

One Staff Governor

One Headteacher

Seven Foundations Governors



What is it?


All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school.


Our Governing Body works very closely with the Headteacher, Staff, Diocese and the Local Authority.  The Headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school.  However, the Governors are involved with staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance.  Working together ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.


Our Chair of Governors is Miss M Wells who can be contacted via email on 


Full Governing Body 

Miss Margaret Wells (Chair of Governors)

Mr Luke Devine (Vice Chair)

Mrs Catherine Salt 

Mrs Pamela Cartwright

Mr Anthony O'Neill

Mr Harry Todd

Mrs Lisa North

Mr Abid Mathiya

Mrs Danielle Ellison

Mrs Rachel Woodridge
