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Love one another as I have loved you

Religious Education

Religious Education Intent


Religious Education at Holy Souls Primary School is based on the Gospel values and teachings of the Catholic Church. We aim to develop a strong awareness of the spiritual dimensions of life amongst our pupils and to equip them with Christian and most importantly Catholic values which will guide them throughout their lives.


In addition we aim to support the Mission Statement of the school,

‘Love one another as I have loved you’ in communicating an understanding of the redeeming love of Jesus Christ, underpinning the ethos of the school and its nurturing role. 


We help develop children’s own beliefs, values and attitudes through an exploration of Christ’s and the Apostles’ teachings as found in Scripture, the examination of religious language and symbolism, along with their shared human experience.


With emphasis on Roman Catholic beliefs and practices, to know the place significance of Christianity and other world religions in the contemporary world, in the surrounding wider and local communities, and within the Parish.


We deliver Religious Education through the Salford Diocesan approved RE syllabus, ‘Come and See’ and use CARITAS as part of our class worship.


We celebrate special events throughout the year in a variety of ways, such as performing Nativity plays, acting out The Easter Story in Church and holding a whole school Rosary. Our Mini Vinnies will lead Regular ‘Retreat Days’ which take place throughout the year.  All these events enables the pupils to grow in their awareness of what it means to be a member of the church; reflecting on their lives and on society in the light of the Gospel; creating a Christian Catholic community built on the experience of liturgy and prayer.


Here at Holy Souls Religion runs through the heart of our school and is at the core of all we do. It is important to us to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where love and respect are shown to all, using the five

‘W’s’ – Welcome, Word, Welfare, Witness and Worship in all we do. 

Advent Retreat Day at St Edward's RC Primary School with our Mini Vinnie Chaplains

KS2 visit to Holy Souls Church
